Transform your career

Endorsed by the International Coaching Federation

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Educational Program for Professional Coaching Training


iCoach offers training that will enhance your mentality and the agile ways of working that organizations currently require in their business challenges, through different key tools for the application of learning.

You will have a highly practical training experience in the Coaching model and will prepare you in the discipline of it.

What will you achieve with the certification?

Accompany people, teams, and institutions in their integral development process, consistently exploring their strengths.

Transcend with a new legacy to future generations of coaches.

Manage the Coaching profession, leading transformation processes in their coaches.

Create an ecosystem of opportunities wherever the participant is.

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Learning Method

Collective deduction

Work together during and after certification.

Innovation in Practice

Approach of immediate application to the reality of the organization.

Real cases and challenges

Benchmark of realities of organizations oriented to the development of talent.

Models and best practices

Examples and practical applications from day one.

Real diagnostics

Measurement criteria for the effectiveness of Coaching.

Over 130 hours of learning are invested with 60 contact hours.

Who is it for?

Strategic and Innovative Leaders

Customer experience leaders

Project, Change and Culture Managers

Human Resources Leaders

Business Consultants and Entrepreneurs

Tool Kit

  • Personal Brand
  • Identify the Niche or area of ​​specialization
  • (3) Contract Models:
    1. Coaching Services
    2. Coaching Agreements
    3. Closure Reports of Coaching processes
  • Exercises for the Application of Coaching in two dimensions:
    1. Classroom practice (participants with participants)
    2.Practice with real clients
  • Book: Brilla
  • Reading Materials
  • Evaluation Tools: HOGAN and Mindsonar
  • Audiovisual resources
  • Group and individual Mentoring sessions


Agnes R. Torresis a Certified Coach in Optimizing Talents. She’s an active member of the International Coach Federation (ICF), where she obtained the PCC (Professional Certified Coach) credential.

Agnes is a Certified Organizational Development Consultant. She has been recognized for her extraordinary performance in supporting, promoting, and transforming the culture of training to one of continuous learning. She was awarded by the Asociación de Desarrollo del Talento, Capítulo de Puerto Rico in December 2016, for extraordinarily conducting the Academy for the Development of Leaders in the oil industry. In addition, she has stood out as a contributor to several articles published by magazines and the main newspapers in the country.

Frequently asked questions

Is this program accredited?

Yes, it is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), therefore it is valid in any country where the ICF has a presence.

Do you have any focus or specialty?

No, our program does not have a particular focus since all Coaches apply the same skills only in different contexts. Therefore, our program prepares you with general knowledge and during the course we help you to identify your “Niche” within Coaching.

What are the requirements to complete the program?

Comply with 60 hours that are divided into 42 hours of synchronous classes, 3 hours of webinars that you can observe at any time and perform the corresponding task, 12 hours of practice, and 3 hours of mentoring, (group and individual).

How is the practice done? Do you provide us with people?

You can do the practice with 1 person for 12 hours, 2 people for 6 hours each, or 3 people for 4 hours each. Each coachee must have at least 4 hours of Coaching to have a complete process. During any of these sessions they should record at least 25 minutes so they can be shared with FiDelis and observed by a certified Coach and can provide feedback during their individual mentoring session.

We do not provide people for your practice, but you can do it with friends, family, co-workers, etc. You can even reach out to strangers using the knowledge gained in class on how to sell your service as a Coach.

If I have to miss a session, what should I do? Can't I complete the certification?

If you cannot attend a session, you must notify the program coordinator at least one hour before the session in case there are dynamics scheduled for that session. If they miss a session, a recording of the session is shared with them, and the learning is then validated in a meeting with the facilitator.

What can I do with the certification?

This certification can be beneficial both for professionals who wish to develop coaching skills and for people who decide to start their own company.

You can work on your own as a coach either part-time or full-time and benefit from the investment. In general, a Coach can charge from $100 to $200 per hour and on average, the general annual income of a Coach can reaches $61,900.